Tuesday 16 August 2011


Today I found out that I won a MUA goodie bag on Facebook. I am so excited, the goodies are worth £35 which for those of you who know about MUA make up that is loads of bits to play with. As soon as my goodies arrive I will take photos and swatch them. I can't wait xxx

Thursday 21 July 2011

Pancake fun

I went shopping with my daughter last Friday and we picked up this super sweet pancake set, we have had lots of fun tonight making pancakes for each other. The kit contains a pan you flip over, a batter dispenser, instruction booklet with two recipes and a heart shape.
Lots of fun but be careful as when you go to flip the pan a second time sometimes the pancake falls out, we had a few giggles with that. We made two heart shaped pancakes for each other and a few normal round ones, Sophie was so sweet and made extra ones for Paul my partner (I hate that word but saying boyfriend makes me fell like I'm 12 hehe).

What do you think of MUA?

A few weeks ago I got into nail art 7th May to put a date on it, I started off with a pack of nail stickers and Fimo clay. It was also the time my nail polish collect exploded!!!! I picked up a super lush green from the MUA range for just £1, I didn't think it was going to really good but what a surprise it is great and I love it. After trying the nail polish I picked up a few more of their products. I will post swatches soon.

Has anyone bought any MUA Make up? If so, what is your opinion on it?

Wednesday 20 July 2011

My first before and after

I was in town today walking passed a charity shop and had a look in the window, spotted a super cute table with four baby tables underneath it. I ran in the shop like a crazy lady, paid my money and then had to carry this really heavy table through town back to my car. My great idea at the time turned into one of those moments where you wonder how was this EVER a good idea??? Finally managed to carry the table back to my car, got the table in the car, put the seat belt round the table so it wouldn't move about in the car while I was driving home. Then drove to Homebase to pick up some Rust-Oleum Painters touch spray paint. Got home, got the table in the house and remembered I had another table to start and finish first before I can go onto my next project.
I am trying to finish all my projects before I buy anything else. Today I knew what I wanted to do with the first table, only taken two years to get the idea. I got the primer out gave the table a spray, let it dry and then got the dark grey Rust-Oleum Painters touch spray paint out. Cut a piece of wall paper sample to fit the top of the table and there you are it was finished. I LOVE IT!!!!

Thats the before photo of the table I picked up for £5 at a car boot.
This is what it looks like now

I would love to hear what you think xxxx

Tuesday 19 July 2011

First step for man first blog for me

I've been reading blogs for a few months now, since my boyfriend first showed me Google reader. I got to thinking I would like somewhere to talk about what I'm doing and to share cool things which I see. So here we are.